Beyond the Storefront: How GOODWILL® Extends Its Mission into Communities

Transforming lives and communities is at the core of GOODWILL INDUSTRIES® of Wayne and Holmes Counties' mission. Beyond our storefront, where you can find plenty of high-quality items for affordable prices, GOODWILL® is a beacon of hope. Our work is only possible through the support of local community members like you, and we want you to understand the full impact on our community your support has. Read on to learn more and donate today!

Blocks spelling out "CAREER" being stacked like steps

Supporting Career Growth

Our mission is not just about finding people's career placement but empowering individuals to build sustainable and fulfilling careers. By offering training programs tailored to individual needs and providing ongoing support, GOODWILL® equips participants with the skills and confidence to thrive in the workforce.

Woman shaking hands with interviewers

Driving Economic Independence

By transforming donated goods into revenue, as well as your generous donations, we fund our essential programs, fueling economic independence and self-sufficiency for those we serve. Every purchase made at a GOODWILL INDUSTRIES® of Wayne and Holmes Counties store directly contributes to empowering individuals in the community to build a more secure future for themselves and their families.

Person on mountain extending to help another person over a gap

Fostering Self-Reliance

Our commitment to helping our community members find their footing is evident in the way we encourage self-reliance among our program participants. By offering resources and guidance, our team empowers individuals to take control of their futures and break free from the cycles that have held them back in the past. Sometimes all it takes is a helping hand!

Hands stacked for a team huddle

Building a Stronger Community

The impact of the GOODWILL® mission extends beyond the individuals we serve to enrich the fabric of the entire community. By creating opportunities for individuals to thrive, we play a vital role in building stronger, more resilient communities where everyone has the chance to succeed.

GOODWILL INDUSTRIES® of Wayne and Holmes Counties is more than just your favorite thrift store — we are a catalyst for change and transformation. The ripple effect of GOODWILL® careers and our programs reaches far beyond the surface, touching the lives of individuals and the communities they call home. To be a part of this impactful mission, consider donating, shopping, or getting involved with Goodwill today.